Question / Help How do I stream flash games?


New Member
I am having some difficulty in just recording the game it's self. I can record the entire window but I don't see an option to fit just the game into obs. I don't want to show the ad's or what ever that surrounds the game's boarders. Is their a way to just record the flash games? or is their another program that I would have to download / install to do this?


Just do a Window Capture and use the resizing/cropping options to fit the Flash game exactly how you want it, without any sidemenus or ads. After adding the Window Capture, click Edit Scene. Dragging one of the corners without any other key pressed down will resize the capture. Clicking at the center and moving it about will, well, move it. And you can use ALT + moving one of the corners to crop it and cut some stuff off.

Just toy around with it, I'm sure you can come up with something that looks exactly like you want it.