Question / Help How do I stop streaming from starting automatically?


New Member
As I have stated in this thread before, it is not possible for the stream to start without any user interaction.
And there is also an option you can enable in OBS where it first asks if you really want to stream before actually streaming.

Well it does. So tell me from these pictures what could trigger it otherwise?





New Member
This happened to me today. So unless you’re saying someone broke into my apartment, didn’t take anything, turned in my steaming on OBS and left. I doubt that happened. I was at work when it turned on, a friend told me I was streaming.


Forum Admin
Check your log file, hotkey and timers starting will be logged there. As Osiris says though, there is always a reason, OBS doesn't contain code that just randomly starts your stream for a laugh.


Active Member
The question is just as the title says. Im using OBS Multiplatform v0.12.3 64bit, I have a Game Capture source set for a fullscreen game (works fine), but my issue is as soon as I launch the game, OBS starts recording automatically. I tab out of the game to check it, and its already going before I pushed my shortcut key to start streaming.

I want to be able to control when the streaming begins (when Ive loaded my save game) with my shortcut keys to start and stop. I see no option anywhere under settings or under the Game Capture properties to disable this automatic stream start. Is there some method to disable it?
Currently I have to stop the stream manually, then delete the ~30 second video on Twitch, and then manually begin recording myself again. Quite a pain. Old version of OBS didnt do this behavior but also its streaming to twitch cut out periodically so I cant go back to it.
12.3 is out of date...The latest version is 20.1.3


New Member
This just started happening to me today. Never had an issue in the past. OBS just started streaming while I was working on my PC. Friends started watching me doing private work. OBS was minimized too and my shortcut keys to start the stream is a combination of 4 buttons. I didn't press those buttons...


New Member
hey this just happened to me, obs was only on in the background so i couldn't press start streaming and my i use my number pad for hotkeys since u don't use them otherwise. it stopped and went live 4 times so there's no way i accidentally hit off the button 7 times, it was just a recording of my face, people joined and I'm very freaked out. If obs doesn't have that function then there must be a bug or something cause that's never happened before and I'm scared it will happen again


Active Member
If you provide the log from that launch of OBS, you will very likely find that the keys WERE pressed.