Question / Help How do I setup a Stream and a Local Profile


New Member
I created 2 profiles.
One called "Streaming" and one called "Recording"

I tried a few different ways but I don't understand how to keep the settings/scenes different between profiles.

Can anyone provide some guidance?


Forum Admin
Your scenes are not profile specific, in the future it will hopefully be possible to save and load scene layouts


Community Helper
To add to Warchamp7's post, if you want to save 2 different scene collections, then do this:

  • Set up your first profile's scenes
  • Make a copy of the scenes.xconfig file in your %appdata%/OBS folder and give it a name
  • Set up the next profile's scenes
  • Make a new copy of scenes.xconfig and name it something else
  • Replace scenes.xconfig with the corresponding scenes file when you want to use different setups (OBS must be closed when you do this)


New Member
Thanks for the replies.

dodgepong I will do that...I can easily make a batch file to do the switch for me and launch the application :)