Question / Help How do i set up QOS for live-streaming?


New Member
Hi, I want to set up QOS for my twitch live-streaming, how can i do that(i never tried QOS before so i have no idea :P)


Active Member
Quality of Service? You probably want to disable it, unless you're on a corporate network and you really know what you're doing.


New Member
Just not a funny person? lol why not

yeah Quality of Service :P, i want to make it have a high priority on my network in case im doing anything else tho now that you mention probably wanting it disabled maybe it could interfere with a online FPS but im not live-streaming something that depends on the net alot :P it probably needs 2kb/s on average xD


Active Member
Assuming you're streaming from a home network, unless you have enterprise-class gear, I wouldn't trust QoS to even work right, even if it was listed as a feature on your home internet router. If you did have enterprise-class routers/switches at your home, then you'll need to have the knowledge to set them up, which I think is out of scope for these forums. In order to get any positive effect out of QoS, something else on your network will have to feel a negative effect. It would be better for you to determine what else is using your bandwidth and get rid of it than trying to reserve bandwidth for OBS through QoS policies.

Furthermore, without QoS your internal network gear will give all your network traffic its best effort to navigate your network. Unless you have gear from 15 years ago and you're doing massive file transfers all the time, you're probably not maxing out that gear. And no QoS policy is going to make your stream travel through your ISP faster; once it leaves your network, you can't influence its priority. The point being, unless you're maxing out your routers and switches, even a properly configured QoS policy won't be triggered to take effect. So QoS will do nothing good for you, it'll solve no problems, and you don't need it.

On the other hand, if you're in a corporate environment, whoever your IT/networking people are should be able to answer your questions.

Now, in case you're determined to do something silly, here's a link to some "light reading": ... _home.html

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New Member
This is an old post, and correct me if I'm wrong. Currently i have 100 down and an abysmal 5 up from Charter Communications. When im twitch streaming im running around 3,500 kbps. As soon as anybody else in the house starts streaming a movie or Netflix, i start dropping frames like mad and my stream suffers greatly, even to the point of it stopping entirely. Wouldn't a proper QOS setup for the MAC address on my PC give what my PC is doing over the smart tv in the living room? I too would also like to know how to setup my home router to do such a thing. Is it possible?