Question / Help How Do I Play Recordings?


New Member
Hey I just downloaded OBS because I want to start up utube lol, but when I do a recording and try open it up nothing plays the file?? I usually open with "Films & TV" on my computer (default windows 10 thing). It usually opens everything but not the fvl file OBS has to record. Not even windows movie maker can open it?? How do I open and watch what I record??

EDIT: Could I also get some help on what the options are? When I try to record Rust it has a black screen on the video thumbnail so I'm assuming its black screen the whole way thru


Active Member

Films and TV is basically windows media player. Windows media player has a 15 year history of bad media support.


New Member
Make sure you're recording them in MP4 format. Also you should consider changing to VLC, it's a lot better than all the normal apps in windows.


Active Member
Recording to MP4 is a terrible idea though. It's a very fragile container format; if OBS hangs or crashes during recording, the resulting file will be un-recoverable digital garbage due to how MP4 is structured. Record to FLV and remux to MP4 if you need it.

That said, WMP/"Films and TV" really is trash. Stop using it.


Active Member
If ANYTHING prevents an mp4 from being finalized properly, the entire file is ruined to the point that it's completely unusable. Saving directly to mp4 is NOT recommended specifically for this reason.


New Member
So if you're going to reply to a topic. Please stay on topic. Don't demand they do something else.

The OP asked how you open recordings using WMP. Not - Tell me everything else to do because I didn't ask how to do that and don't attempt to answer the original question.-

@HagridOG FLV is not support by windows media player. If you want to play it through "Films and TV" you need to go to settings, Broadcaster settings. And there will be a section named "File path" the last three letters in there is the save format. In your case it's set to FLV. Change it to anything supported by WMP and it will work. I recommend MP4 because I've never had an issue and I know it is supported for your needs.

I hope that helps. If you have any further questions feel free to post a reply. Maybe someone will answer them without telling you things you didn't ask for.


Active Member
And if you're going to reply to a topic, don't recommend something that is going to ruin 6-hour recording sessions interrupted by a momentary power hit.

There's a reason we don't recommend mp4. You not having an issue with mp4 doesn't magically make it a good format to use.

Also, we're not the ones who need to stay on topic.

From the opening post:
How do I open and watch what I record??


Active Member
I recommend MP4 because I've never had an issue and I know it is supported for your needs.

That's absolutely terrible, idiotic advice.

Long-term users tend to warn newbies who don't know any better about hazards, to avoid problems down the road. In this case, the very real possibility of losing a recording session due to any interruption, due to MP4 being a poorly designed container format that should be avoided.

You don't tell someone the best way to electrocute themselves, just because they asked a question about wiring up a junction box when they're really just trying to change a burnt out light bulb and don't know any better.