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Hello, I've adapted a Python code from Youtube chat and channel updater. I made some modifications because the interval for refreshing in seconds was causing "Encoding Overload" in my OBS when streaming or recording.
To address this issue, I removed the timer update interval and implemented a hotkeys version or refresh button.
I decided to remake this code because, while streaming on YouTube, I needed a way to update my YouTube Studio live chat automatically instead of doing it manually once each time before I start streaming.
Now, I'm wondering if it's possible to dock this code in OBS. If so, how can I do it? What I mean is, can I integrate this functionality directly into OBS for easier access and control?
this is my code what i remake
To address this issue, I removed the timer update interval and implemented a hotkeys version or refresh button.
I decided to remake this code because, while streaming on YouTube, I needed a way to update my YouTube Studio live chat automatically instead of doing it manually once each time before I start streaming.
Now, I'm wondering if it's possible to dock this code in OBS. If so, how can I do it? What I mean is, can I integrate this functionality directly into OBS for easier access and control?
this is my code what i remake
import obspython as obs
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import lxml
url = ""
source_name_text = ""
source_name_browser = ""
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def update_text():
global url
global source_name_text
global source_name_browser
source = obs.obs_get_source_by_name(source_name_text)
if source is not None:
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
data = response.read()
txt = str(data)
x = txt.find("\"videoId\"")
y = x + 23
y = txt[x:y]
z = y.find(":") + 1
extractvid = y[z:]
newvid = extractvid.replace("\"","")
newUrl = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+newvid
newchatUrl = "https://www.youtube.com/live_chat?dark_theme=1&is_popout=1&v="+newvid
with urllib.request.urlopen(newUrl) as response2:
data2 = response2.read()
from lxml import etree
youtube = etree.HTML(data2)
video_url = youtube.xpath("//title")
video_text = video_url[0].text
findu2b = video_text.find(" - YouTube")
if findu2b >= 0:
video_text = video_text[:findu2b]
string_length=len(video_text)+2 # will be adding 2 extra spaces
settings = obs.obs_data_create()
obs.obs_data_set_string(settings, "text", text.encode('latin_1').decode('utf8'))
obs.obs_source_update(source, settings)
except urllib.error.URLError as err:
obs.script_log(obs.LOG_WARNING, "Error opening URL '" + url + "': " + err.reason)
sourceb = obs.obs_get_source_by_name(source_name_browser)
if source is not None:
settingsb = obs.obs_data_create()
obs.obs_data_set_string(settingsb, "url", newchatUrl)
obs.obs_source_update(sourceb, settingsb)
except urllib.error.URLError as err:
obs.script_log(obs.LOG_WARNING, "Error opening URL '" + url + "': " + err.reason)
def refresh_pressed(props, prop):
print("Key Pressed")
class Hotkey:
def __init__(props, callback, obs_settings, _id):
props.obs_data = obs_settings
props.hotkey_id = obs.OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID
props.hotkey_saved_key = None
props.callback = callback
props._id = _id
def register_hotkey(props):
description = str(props._id)
props.hotkey_id = obs.obs_hotkey_register_frontend(
str(props._id), description, props.callback
obs.obs_hotkey_load(props.hotkey_id, props.hotkey_saved_key)
def load_hotkey(props):
props.hotkey_saved_key = obs.obs_data_get_array(
def save_hotkey(props):
props.hotkey_saved_key = obs.obs_hotkey_save(props.hotkey_id)
props.obs_data,str(props._id), props.hotkey_saved_key
class HotkeyDataHolder:
htk_copy = None # this attribute will hold instance of Hotkey
h01 = HotkeyDataHolder()
def script_save(settings):
for h in [h01]:
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def script_description():
return "Update Livechat for Using CSS on livechat OBS.\n\nChannel URL = Your Channel URL\nText Source = Streaming Title\nBrowser Source = Browser Source Live Chat\n\n Modified by Erol"
def script_update(settings):
global url
global source_name_text
global source_name_browser
url = obs.obs_data_get_string(settings, "url")
source_name_text = obs.obs_data_get_string(settings, "source")
source_name_browser = obs.obs_data_get_string(settings, "sourceb")
def script_properties():
props = obs.obs_properties_create()
obs.obs_properties_add_text(props, "url", "Channel URL", obs.OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT)
p1 = obs.obs_properties_add_list(
"Text Source",
sources = obs.obs_enum_sources()
if sources is not None:
for source in sources:
source_id = obs.obs_source_get_unversioned_id(source)
if source_id == "text_gdiplus" or source_id == "text_ft2_source":
name = obs.obs_source_get_name(source)
obs.obs_property_list_add_string(p1, name, name)
q = obs.obs_properties_add_list(props, "sourceb", "Browser Source", obs.OBS_COMBO_TYPE_EDITABLE, obs.OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING)
sourcesb = obs.obs_enum_sources()
if sourcesb is not None:
for sourceb in sourcesb:
source_id = obs.obs_source_get_id(sourceb)
if source_id == "browser_source":
nameb = obs.obs_source_get_name(sourceb)
obs.obs_property_list_add_string(q, nameb, nameb)
obs.obs_properties_add_button(props, "button", "Refresh", refresh_pressed)
return props
def refresh_presseder(props):
print("Shortcut Pressed")
def script_load(settings):
h01.htk_copy = Hotkey(refresh_presseder, settings, "Triggers Refresh")