Question / Help How do I get plugins?


New Member
Hi there. I just want to know how to get the plugins. In OBS, I click plugins and see GameCapture and DirectShow plugins, but I can't figure out how to download them. Telling me the file name doesn't help...unless I'm just confused. All I can click is Ok which closes the window. I really want those plugins. Please Help! :!: :P ;) :lol: :? :lol: :lol: :o :oops: :?: :ugeek: :geek: :| ;)


As for now, there aren't any additional or user-made plugins yet, so all of them come 'preinstalled' right with OBS :)


alex_bababu said:
there is the sceneswitchr plugin!
And I love it. I used to use auto scene change which would work with OBS if you set ASC to use hotkeys instead of API mode. But ASC seemed to not be working so well with the latest patches of Starcraft 2. It would indicate a scene change in SC2, but not send the hotkeys.

The scene switcher plugin has worked flawless for me since the beginning.


New Member
Where can I get The scene switcher plugin? Also how do I install it? The only thing I don't like about OBS so far is the lack of scene transitions. I have been using XSplit and have a motto at the end of every stream saying "This is Sir Jaxxy fading out" while I fade to black. So far in OBS I just jump straight to the blackout scene.

Sir Jaxxy