Question / Help How can I get 1080p hd recording on obs classic (for youtube?)


New Member
Guys,I have tried every way to record on 720p for youtube(putting my resolution downscale on 1280-820 or 720),but when I'm uploading the gameplays on youtube the quality is on 480p,HELPPPPPPP?????
I'm also recording on 50 fps....


New Member
Are you sure your viewing quality settings aren't set to 480p? When watching the video on YouTube, click towards the bottom of the video so it pops open the controls, click the GEAR icon at the bottom of the video, click QUALITY and change the resolution to the highest available (which will be the highest you uploaded I believe).

If that's set to auto, YouTube chooses which quality to show and I noticed that sometimes it'll randomly choose 480p and I have to change it.