Question / Help How can I do this on my own stream?


Community Helper
I don't know exactly how they did this one, but I know in at least one of their past LoL tournaments they wrote a custom web application to do it, so I wouldn't be surprised if they used some sort of custom software for this as well.


Active Member
Have you considered sending them a message and asking directly? A lot of the livestreaming community is very helpful and encouraging toward other streamers. They might just say that it's proprietary software, or give you a rundown on how they did their config, if not. No harm in asking politely, and remembering to say thank you!


New Member
dodgepong said:
I don't know exactly how they did this one, but I know in at least one of their past LoL tournaments they wrote a custom web application to do it, so I wouldn't be surprised if they used some sort of custom software for this as well.

Thats what I thought as well. Thanks for the answer.

FerretBomb said:
Have you considered sending them a message and asking directly? A lot of the livestreaming community is very helpful and encouraging toward other streamers. They might just say that it's proprietary software, or give you a rundown on how they did their config, if not. No harm in asking politely, and remembering to say thank you!


Active Member
True, but they may be willing to share. Never know until you try/doesn't hurt to ask, and politeness (but not sycophantism) pays. Know what they say about what happens when you assume... and other stale platitudes. :D If they decline, do remember to thank them for their time... might reconsider later after all, and are more likely to reach out to someone polite than someone that just didn't respond, or flew off the handle after getting a 'no'.