how can i add my website in the streaming services list


New Member
we are one of the streaming providing company like twitch and others, how we can add our company name in the list of service provider in the OBS setting-> stearming


Active Member

add your streaming provider to right files and make a pull request !
or wait that a dev has time wirte your informations here like servers and authentication type and a dev will help you


New Member
I tried to commit code to obs for adding my own site as services but failed with below error:

Permission to obsproject/obs-studio.git denied to MuhammadAyazRao.
Error encountered while pushing to the remote repository: Git failed with a fatal error.
Git failed with a fatal error.
unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403


New Member
Thank you so much for your help. one another question
how user can authorize on obs using our website credentials e.g twitch or any other platform? just to avoid copy-paste steps of URL and key?


New Member
Please eleborate this , what kind on document required any sample for this ?
  1. Your service must be released and have documentation available
    1. For public/user-generated content services: Final release or open alpha/beta/etc., closed testing stages are not permitted
    2. For non-public/commercial services: Reached general availability
    3. Exemptions may be made at the OBS Project's discretion. You may submit a PR in draft stage before release for review and to accelerate merge once your service becomes available