Hotkeys Options


Current State
  • Users can right click every scene and set up a designated hotkey for that scene.
  • In case a hotkey is set for a specific scene, it has to be removed from that scene first before it can be reassigned to a different one
  • Example - 'Numpad 1' is the hotkey assigned to 'Scene A'. I then want to assign 'Numpad 1' to 'Scene B'. I have to clear the hotkey selection for 'Scene A' before I can assign 'Numpad 1' to 'Scene B'.
Suggested State
When assigning a hotkey to a scene, in case that hotkey is already used in a different scene, ask the user if he wants to reassign the key. This way the user doesn't have to find the scene with the hotkey assigned in order to clear it and only then assign the key. Saves time and will help a TON to anyone with a lot of scenes.

Further Suggestions
A Hotkey panel that has all the scenes in a list and allows for quick and easy assignment of hotkeys.

I use the Numpad to handle my hotkeys and every recording or broadcast is different so I have to reassign things. Having a designated panel will greatly help me manage those.