hotkey on source?


Hi There,

just wondering if its possible, to set a hotkey on a source instead of a scene. have a problem with my webcam if i change the scene. if i switch from gaming to break, my webcam stops working for few seconds. no big trouble, but it sucks.

i have 2 scenes. one for gaming and one for a break. the difference between this two scenes is the gamerecording and a picture for the break.

game: pic is deacitvated
break: game is deactivated

my idea: set the picture for the break in the gaming scene. if i have a break; activate the picture and deactivate the gamerecording.

is there any way to activate/deactivate the gamerecording or the picture by hotkey?

Greetings from Germany

p.s sorry for my bad english ;)


Town drunk
Unfortunately this is not possible. Only hotkeys for scenes are supported. Might be different after the rewrite is done, but probably not right away.


The Helping Squad
Using two scenes, with two hotkeys in the end gives you the same if not a better result. A transition effect gets added that would be missing if you just deactivated a source. Apart of that for other reasons the feature is not a bad idea and as Krazy mentioned, might be added at some point.


If i use two Scence, my Cam "restarts" on every switch between the 2 scences. Thats the "Problem" ;)

I just activate/deactivate the game/picture with the mouse at the moment. Like Jack0r said, without any transition effect. But its okay ;)

Thanks for ur Support guys!


Community Helper
If you add your camera as a global source, the camera will stay loaded between scene changes.


Active Member
Be aware that as a global source, your webcam only gets initialized the first time it's called to provide video for a scene. I hide mine behind my start-of-stream splash image, sized down tiny. Means that the transition to fullscreen face-cam is nice and smooth, without any visual oddities from the cam's startup process, or herky-jerky jump-cut (the kind you've been seeing).


New Member
Triple VoteUp!!!

Currently we are unable to enable/disable individual source. For my lower third I ended up creating two scenes, one with lower third on, other OFF, and imagine what? When I switch the scenes, the game capture that fills the screen under the lower third is suffering from nasty overlaying like motion blur while the transition itself is playing. This effect is very, very nasty, and I really need a hotkey to enable/disable the lowerr third source on demand while playing.

Better make OBS the best software :) The only thing that makes me remove a star from the 5-star rating myself is the failure to properly control this while ingame.


New Member
For someone like me, this is the biggest issue I have with OBS. Because if you switch scenes you reset all CRLbrowser settings. Resulting it to reset counters, chat and all other things I heavenly rely on.
Which means you have to manually activate them or use a third party macro program to do it for you. Which really sucks. Forces you to play things in windowed mode to not interrupt the flow of the steam and using other programs i.e force borderless window.
One of the "smaller/huge" things that made me not to use OBS as my main or default streaming source.


Community Helper
That can be avoided by making the browser source a Global source. Global sources are always active and do not get reset when you switch scenes.