Hot Key creation and use; running OBS as root, or is it necessary in my case?


New Member
I am a new user of OBS, and utilize Fedora 35 Plasma. In view of the continued push by the Linux Powers That Be to use Wayland, I try it out from time to time, and Wayland has made awesome improvements over the past year. However, it appears that only OBS works for screen casting/recording on Wayland. I've found it works quite well on Wayland up to a point. However, I have tried to use Hot Keys on Wayland, but I cannot create them except when I start OBS via command line with "sudo", i.e., "sudo obs". In this case, another problem is created: inputs available do not include Pipewire. I CAN, on the other hand, use Pipewire when I don't run OBS as root.

So, my question is, how can I set up Hot Keys without running as root, and/or how can I use Pipewire when running as root?


No hotkeys under Wayland. That will probably not change anytime soon. (at least when OBS is not in focus)