Horrible performance on Arch Linux in comparison to Windows


New Member
I'm having issues running OBS on Arch Linux, even when there's a blank scene my recording fps drops from 60 to around 27. When I'm using Windows on the same machine with the same settings, I'm able to record at 1080p and 60fps without issues. I tried using Xorg instead of Wayland, and it didn't help. How do I get my OBS to work as fast as on Windows, is there a workaround for this "bug"?

OBS Log: https://pastebin.com/fcChbAeD

CPU: Intel i5-2400 (4) @ 3.400GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030
Memory: 8GB (DDR 3 i'm pretty sure)

Thanks in advance


NVIDIA and wayland is still not in a good shape. Relogin with an Xorg session and your results should be much better.

Edit: it may be true that screen capture under Xorg is not that fast as well.
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