Bug Report Horizontal Cam Flip Undone By Manual Resizing


New Member
OBS Studio 0.15.4 (WINDOWS)
Windows 8.1
Web Cam: C920

If I right-click my web cam under Sources > Transform > Flip Horizontal, the cam will flip horizontally...as it should.

However, once any sort of manual resizing of the cam is attempted, the cam flips back to its normal orientation - and in a strange way too. When the cam flips back to normal orientation, the camera will shift far to the left or right depending on the corner you grab to do the resizing - sometimes sending the cam off-screen.

This proves to be a major problem for me as I do a LOT of camera maneuvering and resizing DURING cast. I would imagine this would be a simple fix.

Hope to see it fixed soon :D
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