Question / Help Highlight mark, hotkey to highlight in OBS recordings


New Member
So lately ive been watching through a lot of my footage to make certain highlights even 5-6 hours sometimes and its very very hard to do so.. And its not really like i get something super special crazy out of it in terms of views. It's just nice to have highlights from friends on youtube to watch together, as a memory or something like that.

I changed over to doing a notepad. So pretty much everytime i deem something highlight worthy i put the timestamp into my text document. This is an okay solution but my god would i love a plugin or something to have a hotkey where i just press for example Mouse button 5 or so and then it just puts a document with timestamps in it.

Do anyone know if OBS supports this? Any plugins? or something completly different i guess third party would be the word, that would help me with this?

I know and all these other tiny programs where u can set it to record and then bam u click it takes up the last 5min or so but i honestly just like to hit record, doesnt fill up that much space 4 hours were like 2gigs or something with decent 720p footage and i use a 120gb ssd to store it on.

I own a AMD with is why i mention app. even if i had a nvidia i still dont think id use their app.

Am i just being dumb for not going with or not?

What makes me stay on just recording it all gives me the option to have 4 outputs of audio, me, teamspeak, game, music. So yeah guess that would be my argument for not doing the playtv thingy.

So yeah enough rambling uhm any suggestions..? Thanks.

ps. I assume this is the right location to post this, if not im sorry.


Active Member
Feedback and suggestions probably. I've asked for this a while ago, but unfortunately the development of OBS Classic is pretty much over and future development will all be in OBS Studio (but this isn't the OBS Studio forum that you posted in).

One suggestion someone had is to set up a (very short) replay buffer and toggle it on and off when something cool happens. Then you can look at the timestamp of the file it saves to determine when something noteworthy happened.