Question / Help Higher then 60fps?


New Member
Is there any way to stream higher then 60fps? When I change the setting to 120 fps it reverts to 25, the highest i can go is 60.
This wouldnt be a problem but it limits my fps in tf2 to 60 even though i cap it at 120. If it helps i play in a window.

EDIT i dont care what fps i stream at just as long as my ingame fps is 120.


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it's very difficult to actually capture at 120fps, even if I did make the option available, you're realistically probably not going to get past 70-80fps even if I set it that way.

Although I usually discourage it, try using dxtory or something in the mean time and see if it makes a difference.

In the future, I will create a game capture source similar to dxtory that captures directly from the game, but it's still going to be some time before I can implement it.


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I've never used dxtory so I'm taking a look at it right now.


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Forum Moderator
Ah, damnit, I really shouldn't have suggested trying to use dxtory. This is not for beginners, nor do I like DXtory in the first place for streaming. I think I'm just going to write my own capture method soon. This is seriously not an app I think people should be using.

If you still want to try, then load dxtory from the start menu. Press the video settings button (fourth button to the left on the bottom of dxtory - yellow icon), and set the resolution in there to the same as your TF2 resolution. Then, exit out of that window, then go to the "movie" tab or whatever it's called, you'll see it says "File output" and "DiretShow output". Deselect file output, and select directshow output. Then, add DXtory as a capture source in my application, or reconfigure it so it's set to the right resolution. Then, when ready to capture, hit F12 in TF2, then start streaming with my app. Should work then.


New Member
Dxtory is only good for low-end pc's. OBS' capturing methods are actually really fast. If you have 4 core cpu you shouldn't really use DXtory. There is no reason for it. Also i am really experienced with DXtory so i believe i can make a tutorial video of it using with obs.


Forum Admin
Dxtory is useful for anyone on any type of computer for hooking a full screen game, as OBS has no way to do so right now, that's why people are using it.