Question / Help Higher bitrate = less viewers?


New Member
Hi guys,

i have heared that as more bitrate you give to the stream the less ppl can watch your stream due to bad internet connections

i wanted to know if thats true or am i free to give the highest bitrate allows me without worrying to lose viewers?

thank you


New Member
If you are not partnered with Twitch your viewers are unable to change the quality settings of how they are viewing your stream. This means that if their internet connection cannot keep up with how much data your stream is outputting, they will see a lot of lag and buffering. The best way I have found around this is to keep you bitrate below 2500. (I stream at 2000 @ 720p just fine) anything past 2500 and many of your possible viewers won't be able to watch you and will leave. If you ever do become partnered with Twitch, then you can up your bitrate to the 3500 maximum and your viewers can then adjust their quality settings accordingly.


New Member
I am parnted whats the best bitrate i can give without my viewers having to change the quality of the stream? ( at 720p )


Forum Moderator
If you're partnered then you have better stream distribution anyway. I'd use the Twitch max of 3500 Kbps and if people still have problems watching then can use a different quality level, that's what the option is there for.