No worries.
The problem is, people have to maintain that throughput to a given server for the entire stream, baseline. If it drops below at all, they buffer. Plus, it depends if they have a good route to the video stream server too. Which isn't guaranteed. You can have 10MB/s to Amazon as they have massive distribution and availability, but Twitch/Hitbox may only get sub 200KB/s.
On to the log.
You're using a weird downscale level. I'd recommend going to 720p instead of 864p.
Your preset is Veryfast, not Fast.
You have a LOT of duped frames, over 4%.
I'd advise turning off CFR unless you are recording locally and intend to edit the video with Sony Vegas. Twitch needs CBR, not CFR (even though you're streaming to Hitbox, still applies).
60fps cuts the bits-per-pixel quality level roughly in half, especially with high motion. It's really not needed, unless you're playing a retrogame that blits sprites for transparency.
Beyond that, I'd need to see a link to a VOD, showing the graphical issue. You're never going to get true 1:1 video, and other than the above, shouldn't be getting too many problems from what the log is showing. The downscale is going to induce a good bit of blur; the only way around that is to play at your native streaming resolution and get rid of the downscale entirely.