Bug Report High packet loss


New Member
Hello, I started streaming today and would like some information on why I get a LOT of dropped packets. When using speedtest and such stuff, I get 0% packet loss. Can anyone tell me the optimal settings or so? Also I noticed that my upload gets to the limit I set (750 kbps) and constantly drops to less than 200 and goes up again.


Forum Admin
Dropped frames are caused when you have connectivity problems. Most likely your bitrate is too high for your connection, or you have a poor connection to your streaming service.


You should make sure you're streaming to the lowest ping server. You can check out Twitch servers by using JTVPing. Could you tell us what upload speed do you have? Speedtest graphic would be ok. If you'll "have to go for a lower video quality", you could also try using slower x264 preset, but only if your CPU can handle it. Check out how much it's used when streaming with your current settings, and if it will be under 60%, I think that you could try using a slower preset :)