Question / Help High Latency while Streaming with OBS


New Member
I have been having problems with my latency ingame while streaming with OBS. I´ve been following guides but i´ve never could fix this problem.
I dunno why i don't get high ping while im streaming with Xsplit.
My upload speed is between 1.3/1.5mbs and even if i set the bitrate to 100kbs the game still lagging, and its pretty rare because the first 4/5 minutes works perfectly fine.
I need some help!

PD: Sorry for my bad english, is not my native language


Community Helper
If you're getting high ping, that means your stream and the game are competing too much for your internet connection. First try enabling "Minimize Network Impact" in Broadcast Settings, and if that still doesn't help, try lowering the bit rate that you are streaming at.