Question / Help High encoding issues still


New Member
Change your bitrate to 2500.
If nothing happen' , change your preset to superfast

1080p Capture Device

You appear to have a video capture device such as a webcam running at 1920x1080. This will result in a lot of USB bandwidth use and high CPU usage. Consider lowering the resolution of the device to match the size as it is displayed in your scene (eg, if the webcam is only taking up a 400x300 area you could lower the resolution to 480p without any quality loss). This warning can be safely ignored if you are using a capture card.

Skipped frames detected

The video encoder is unable to encode your frames in realtime, causing skipped frames (the video output will appear frozen). This is often caused by running at too high of a resolution / FPS combination for your CPU. Try lowering your resolution and/or FPS. If you have changed the x264 preset, put it back to default (veryfast).

See for more details on how to fix this problem.

Hook conflict detected

Game capture detected a hook conflict but was unable to determine which application was responsible. Try closing any other applications that may be injecting into your game, such as FRAPS, D3DGear, MSI Afterburner, AMD Raptr / Gaming Evolved, Action!, TeamSpeak/Mumble Overlays or any other kind of FPS monitor or overlay program

3 issues found (2 major, 1 minor).

So i think here is the problem : You appear to have a video capture device such as a webcam running at 1920x1080. This will result in a lot of USB bandwidth use and high CPU usage.


Active Member
Your CPU is really weak and cant Handle 720p60 on its own anyway on top of that you try to stream Overwatch and capture a 1080p Webcam.

Lower your Webcam Resolution.
Lower FPS or lower your streaming resolution.

22:53:50: Total frames encoded: 2999, total frames duplicated: 887 (29.58%)
22:53:50: Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 600 (20.01%)

Should be both ~1%

Since you are trying 720p60 with 3500 Bitrate you might aswell use NVENC

If you want to record gaming footage then follow the Guide, but ignore the 1080p part.