1. that isn't a full log file. see below and post one after 5 minutes of recording.Hey ive been trying to record but i need the settings to be good
My Processor is a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU t6500 2.10ghz
My ram is 3gb
and its a 32 bit
taking in account for lowered superfast/ultrafast preset that the guide tells you to use...it should be fine.I actually think that even 480p30 is still too much.
taking in account for lowered superfast/ultrafast preset that the guide tells you to use...it should be fine.
This is, of course assuming OPs GPU is good enough for this (DX10 feature level)
close xsplit and or fraps and change your custom buffer size to 0. this is the one next to the bitrate. you need more than 64kbps for video man. setting it to 0 should give you the quality you need.https://gist.github.com/6a9a00ee1e548fa29dbedb4bd2e2637e
And trying to record Minecraft or CSGO