Question / Help High Encoding CPU Usage and processor upgrade?


New Member
My first question is Why does it insist on giving me a warning of High Encoding CPU Usage, when my overall CPU usage in task manager never breaks 20%?

My second question is Do I need to upgrade my processor?
The reason I ask is because I plan to put two gtx 1070's in 2-way SLI so that I can play games in 4k with ultra or close to settings @ 50-60fps. I also want to record using OBS while playing these games and get the best possible quality.
My current processor is an AMD FX-8320 3.5Ghz base clock. I was thinking of upgrading to an FX-9590. Would this help any?

P.S. - Before anyone asks yes I have tried to overclock it and i got it to 4.5Ghz. The problem is that the games run in fast forward and the sound does too, even when I underclock it. I have tried the MSI afterburner and EVGA precision X 16 tools and their frame rate target tools. and nothing but base clock seems to bring them back to normal. Not even ultra high setting with exclusive fullscreen and V-sync triple buffering


Looking at benchmarks websites:
Probably not worth if when overclocking your existing CPU.

Don't change base clock as that may cause fast forward problem, just change only the CPU multiplier when overclocking. Any random crashes or blue screen, might means it was overclocked too much or too little CPU voltage.

CPU can also be overclocked in some BIOS/Motherboard settings that can keep the overclock enabled through reboot/restarts.


New Member
Thank you for the the helpful reply and links I've looked over the the sites, and it might be worth it. I'll think about. I've also included my benchmark from the site's software.
My next question,if you don't mind, is what CPU speed would you think I would need to play most recent games(Rise of Tomb Raider, FarCry Primal, Tom Clancy's The Division, HomeFront: The Revolution, etc.) on Ultra Settings @ 50-60fps with 2-way SLI gtx 1070's? Also, can you think of any other bottlenecks besides processor speed?


Active Member
Its not really about Clockspeed nowadays its more about the efficiency per cicle and thats where AMD falls far behind right now due to an outdated Chip/Technology.

Also the 9590 is literally an overclocked 8320 so theres not even a reason behind it to every buy that CPU except you want to burn 250+Watts for your CPU alone.


SLI may slow down OBS classic, not sure about SLI in OBS Studio.
Best to have dual pc setup, one computer plays games, the other runs OBS to stream or record using a capture card. x264 encoder need a good CPU. Any compatible GPU like integrated intel HD graphics 2000 (sandy bridge) or newer works fine for OBS when using capture card to record/stream your gaming pc.

AMD Bulldozer/Piledriver is old. Can go with intel CPU now, or wait for AMD to come out with a new, faster CPU probably in less when 6 months to see new CPU appear in benchmarks websites.


New Member
Thank you both for helping me this far. I still have a few questions though...I realize Piledriver and Bulldozer are old but I really don't have the budget to build a completely new computer, though dual-sli and processor could be costly. I can see the efficiency over clock speed exhibited in Intel's latest endeavors and I hope to one day but able to build an Intel rig, but not very soon I'm afraid. My main concern now is gaming quality. So, I've got that the 9590 probably won't yield the results I was hoping for. So, I can strike that from my list.

My next question is would it be better to just get a 1080 or would a dual sli 1070 be better? I have seen some benchmarks of the 1070 and 1080 @ 4k. The 1080 almost passes 4k @ 60fps on ultra with around 50-60fps. A single 1070 does around 30-40 fps with the same setup. So, I was thinking that if you were to Dual SLI the 1070's they may be able to yield 55-70 fps.

I'm aware of the the issues that have come with SLI config in the past. Although I was hoping that with new improvements, such as the improved SLI bridge, refined Driver support, and DirectX12, these past concerns might be quelled. Are these expectations, in your experiences and opinions, well-founded? or are they just more likely to be hopeless optimism?


Active Member
There is actually no Point since you want to record the Game while playing at 4k you probably could achieve that with Shadowplay but x264 will try to murder your cpu.


New Member
I don't use x264. I use Nvidia NVENC, which is hardware(GPU) based. So, again I ask, would it be better to just get a 1080 or would a dual sli 1070 be better?


Active Member
I don't use x264. I use Nvidia NVENC, which is hardware(GPU) based. So, again I ask, would it be better to just get a 1080 or would a dual sli 1070 be better?

Generally a single GPU is always better since SLI needs SLI Profiles which actually come quite frequently with Nvidia Driver Updates, they usually cover the latest Releases and Betas. But the gain for 2x 1070 over a single 1080 will most likely not worth the Money but since there arent any Benchmarks right now noone can say for sure.


New Member
Well I suppose unless something changes. I'll stick with my current CPU and just go for a single gtx 1080. Thank you both! You've been very helpful ^_^