Hide a source from local projector


New Member

This would be really helpful for anyone running live events and streaming them with OBS... if in source settings for any item, you could 'hide from projectors' - so that source acts as if it isn't there on local projectors, while streaming normally on the program output. My specfic application would be live events, where OBS is sending a projector over HDMI to the stage screens, and sending a stream to viewers at home too. The camera feeds could be cut from the stage screen, so the viewers in the room only see videos/photos/graphics etc on the screen - while viewers at home get to see all that plus the video capture.

Does that make sense? Is there already a workaround?


The workaround I came up with was to have "projection" scene and the sources of that scene were only the scenes I wanted to go to the projector. In my case it was video playback so it worked because the videos were unloaded when the scene wasn't active.
Then you right click on the scene and say "fullscreen Projector Scene" and direct your super scene to your projector