Question / Help Hey Guys. When I'm streaming, my pc start lagging.


New Member
Hey Guys. When I'm streaming, my pc start lagging. I do not get any dropped frames or any form of increased ping.
I would really like to get this fixed before oktober because i want to stream my best friends birthday gaming :D
I have tried putting all settings down including kb/s, nothing's working.


(CPU) - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), 3.7GHz

(VideoCard) - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570

(RAM) - Kingston HyperX blu DDR3-1600 DC - 8GB

(Monitor #1) Asus VE247 1920x1080 60Hz [Streaming Monitor]

(Monitor #2) Acer AL1716 1280x1024 60Hz [Chat/Youtube/etc. Monitor]

(Internet Speed)

How can I prevent my pc from lagging when I'm streaming?

Please help me! :)


New Member
Hi Jorgenboss.
-I looked on a lot of forums, and they say that my CPU is still up to date. But I don't know.
-I play a lot of games.. I prefer streaming WoW, League of Legends, Minecraft and sometimes other games like Amnesia and some indie horror games.
-But the problem is not only in-game, it is all the time, even when I'm only toying with a browser, it still lags! :(


jorgenboss said:
Your CPU looks outdated.
It is not at all outdated. I am streaming on an i5-760, so quite a bit older than his and I have no issue whatsoever streaming in 1080p @ 30 FPS.

As far as a solution goes -- Hard to say what exactly is going on but one thing you might want to consider is toning down the game's settings just enough to free up some CPU and GPU cycles. Things like Shadows, Post-Processing, Shaders and Physics are the first things you might want to tone down a bit as those are typically the most intense.

It is not at all hard to make a game look the same on-stream without those settings as with them. Key components for a watchable stream are things like Textures, Resolution, framerate. Most people do not care too much about physics and other such fluff while watching a stream.

So, keep your Textures and such high and tone down the most CPU and GPU heavy components a bit and see if that improves the situation.


New Member
Here's the log that you asked for :)
14:15:09: Open Broadcaster Software v0.541b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
14:15:09: -------------------------------
14:15:09: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
14:15:09: CPU Speed: 3391MHz
14:15:09: Physical Memory: 8175MB Total, 5387MB Free
14:15:09: stepping id: 7, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
14:15:09: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}
14:15:09: monitor 2: pos={1920, 0}, size={1280, 1024}
14:15:09: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
14:15:09: Aero is Disabled
14:15:09: -------------------------------
14:15:09: OBS Modules:
14:15:09: Base Address Module
14:15:09: 000000003F2B0000 OBS.exe
14:15:09: 00000000EFCF0000 OBSApi.dll
14:15:09: 00000000F24D0000 DShowPlugin.dll
14:15:09: 00000000F24A0000 GraphicsCapture.dll
14:15:09: 00000000FAE00000 NoiseGate.dll
14:15:09: 00000000FA640000 PSVPlugin.dll
14:15:09: 00000000F2460000 WebSocketAPIPlugin.dll
14:15:09: ------------------------------------------
14:15:09: Adapter 1
14:15:09: Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570
14:15:09: Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 1293352960
14:15:09: Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 2952671232
14:15:09: =====Stream Start: 2013-07-11, 14:15:09===============================================
14:15:09: Multithreaded optimizations: On
14:15:09: Base resolution: 1920x1080
14:15:09: Output resolution: 1920x1080
14:15:09: ------------------------------------------
14:15:09: Loading up D3D10...
14:15:09: Playback device {}.{b14ba5bb-3aa4-4c69-85e5-824ed537bd82}
14:15:09: ------------------------------------------
14:15:09: Using desktop audio input: Højttalere (4- Logitech G35 Headset)
14:15:09: Using 7.1 surround speaker setup
14:15:09: ------------------------------------------
14:15:09: Using auxilary audio input: Mikrofon (4- HP Webcam HD 3300)
14:15:10: ------------------------------------------
14:15:10: Audio Encoding: AAC
14:15:10: bitrate: 48
14:15:10: Using Window Capture
14:15:10: ------------------------------------------
14:15:10: device: HP Webcam HD 3300,
14:15:10: device id \\?\usb#vid_03f0&pid_e307&mi_00#7&2550c6ca&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global,
14:15:10: chosen type: YUY2, usingFourCC: false, res: 1280x800 - 1280x800, frameIntervals: 1000000-1333333, fourCC: 'YUY2'
14:15:10: audio device: (null),
14:15:10: audio device id (null),
14:15:11: Using directshow input
14:15:11: Using Monitor Capture
14:15:11: ------------------------------------------
14:15:11: Video Encoding: x264
14:15:11: fps: 25
14:15:11: width: 1920, height: 1080
14:15:11: preset: veryfast
14:15:11: CBR: no
14:15:11: CFR: yes
14:15:11: max bitrate: 8000
14:15:11: buffer size: 8000
14:15:11: quality: 7
14:15:11: ------------------------------------------
14:15:13: Using RTMP service: Twitch /
14:15:13: Server selection: rtmp://
14:15:14: Total frames rendered: 74, number of frames that lagged: 0 (0.00%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
14:15:14: Total duplicated frames: 0 (0.00%)
14:15:14: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
14:15:14: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
14:15:14: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to loop exit
14:15:14: Number of times waited to send: 0, Waited for a total of 0 bytes
14:15:14: Number of b-frames dropped: 0 (-1.$%), Number of p-frames dropped: 0 (-1.$%), Total 0 (-1.$%)
14:15:14: =====Stream End: 2013-07-11, 14:15:14=================================================
14:15:37: Profiler results:
14:15:37: ==============================================================
14:15:37: frame - [100%] [avg time: 8.967 ms (cpu time: avg 6.113 ms, total 452.401 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 84.2%] [unaccounted: 15.8%]
14:15:37: | scene->Preprocess - [56.5%] [avg time: 5.062 ms (cpu time: avg 2.529 ms, total 187.2 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
14:15:37: | video encoding and uploading - [27.8%] [avg time: 2.489 ms (cpu time: avg 2.318 ms, total 171.6 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 27.5%] [unaccounted: 0.256%]
14:15:37: | | CopyResource - [0.134%] [avg time: 0.012 ms (cpu time: avg 0.21 ms, total 15.6 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
14:15:37: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.0223%] [avg time: 0.002 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
14:15:37: | | call to encoder - [27.3%] [avg time: 2.45 ms (cpu time: avg 2.108 ms, total 156 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
14:15:37: | | sending stuff out - [0.0223%] [avg time: 0.002 ms (cpu time: avg 0 ms, total 0 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
14:15:37: | Convert444Threads - [722%] [avg time: 64.714 ms (cpu time: avg 2.108 ms, total 156 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
14:15:37: ==============================================================
You're streaming at 1080p? That's quite taxing. Also, you have set the bitrate at 8000. That's quite high. You did set the encoder to the veryfast preset, which should be fine, as your CPU is more than capable of handling that and is most certainly not outdated.

Try lowering the video resolution to something like 1280x720. Streaming at a high resolution means your computer has to process a fairly large image 30 times per second at a very high bitrate. Try something in the range of 4000, if your internet can handle that.


DryRoastedLemon said:
Try something in the range of 4000, if your internet can handle that.
Given the fact we've had a staff member express explicit concerns about anyone going over 3.5Mbit I'd say something in the range of 3000 - 3500 is more than sufficient. 3500 alone is more than sufficient to stream even 1080p.

I have experimented quite a bit with this and honestly, personally I can hardly notice the improvement anymore over Q-7 3000 Kbps. Sure, there is some improvement but it's almost negligible. At the cost of a massive increase in bandwidth and with it a risk of frameloss. Which only serves to lessen the quality of the stream.


Active Member
Two things jump out immediately:

-Monitor capture. This will cause local lag, and in-game lag, and is the slowest capture method under Windows 7. Don't use it. Use Game Capture, or Window Capture (with Aero enabled).

-Bitrate 8000. Twitch servers do NOT deal well with bitrates above 3500. It will cause increasing stuttering and lag, as the server can't deal with that large of an incoming datastream. Go run a 6MB test at and check your actual throughput as well... tests for DEAD-FILE transfer rates, not constant throughput. If the result comes back above 4mbps, just stick to 3500 (or 3000 to make things nicer for your viewers) for your bitrate and buffer.

Your CPU most definitely is not outdated; I'm streaming at 720p@60fps on a first-gen i7-920. Yours can definitely handle 1080p@25, with those two problems fixed.


New Member

I lowered the video resolution down to 1280x720, and now it worrks without any lag!
The video quality isn't so good though, but that is not a big problem! :)
Kharay said:
DryRoastedLemon said:
Try something in the range of 4000, if your internet can handle that.
Given the fact we've had a staff member express explicit concerns about anyone going over 3.5Mbit I'd say something in the range of 3000 - 3500 is more than sufficient. 3500 alone is more than sufficient to stream even 1080p.

I have experimented quite a bit with this and honestly, personally I can hardly notice the improvement anymore over Q-7 3000 Kbps. Sure, there is some improvement but it's almost negligible. At the cost of a massive increase in bandwidth and with it a risk of frameloss. Which only serves to lessen the quality of the stream.

Ahh, thanks for pointing that out. 3000 To 3500 it is! I hadn't heard of those concerns, so thanks for the heads-up. Perhaps the OBS Estimator should be changed to follow that as well. It adviced me to use a bitrate of 4000, after all.

xthelegendxlol said:

I lowered the video resolution down to 1280x720, and now it worrks without any lag!
The video quality isn't so good though, but that is not a big problem! :)

Glad to help! Like FerretBomb and Kharay have said, you should also adjust your bitrate, and set it at a max of 3500. It seems that Twitch servers do not work very well with anything over that (which would explain some of the problems I was having).

About the video quality, I'm thinking you could raise the Quality setting in the Encoding section, or use a different x264 CPU Preset in the Advanced section. This last setting can quickly ramp up the CPU usage, however, which might bring back that lag.


Active Member
not outdated at all .. sandy bridge cpu's are still one of the best performing cpu's available especially the i7 series