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New Member
I need some help sorting out OBS, It keeps saying High Encoding, So i need some help optimizing the settings.

Here are my current specs:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz

GTX 960

8GB Ram

I also get about 12MBps upload.

Any help would be appreciated, Here a few screenshots of my current obs settings.

Here is output, I've tried the x264 encoder so that's why i change it,

Video Settings:


Active Member
The log is missing the video thread profiler data from a streaming or recording attempt.


Check task manager on CPU usage.

Using task manager in details tab, You may right click and increase priority of OBS and/or lower priority of programs/games using up CPU. May need to do this on every game/OBS/program launch. If CSGO show up as high priority, lower game's priority and remove -high in launch option. If game/program priority higher then OBS, then the game/program may take too much CPU leaving not enough remaining CPU usage for OBS encoding, and OBS will frame skip.


New Member
Mine says the same thing. So, I checked it in task manager and my overall cpu usage never breaks 20% After testing different settings, I have come to this conclusion:

The warning is merely based on the settings themselves that the program reads rather than the CPU itself encountering high usage values. It is basically saying using these settings, you may cause high cpu usage, not that. specifically, it has or it will.


Active Member
The warning is merely based on the settings themselves that the program reads rather than the CPU itself encountering high usage values. It is basically saying using these settings, you may cause high cpu usage, not that. specifically, it has or it will.
Incorrect. It is based on detecting frame skipping/duplication that is an indication of an overload somewhere in the process.