Question / Help Help with stream (settings)


New Member
Hello there! Need some help with a settings of my stream. Got quite good PC and internet connection, but still ppl keep telling us that sometimes its freezing and lagging + having around 35-50 FPS all the time (on both 720p and 1080p, which is not right)

Here are my spec

- Intel® Core™ i7 CPU: 2.2GHz (Base) / 3.2GHz (Turbo)
- 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 1600MHz
- Integrated Intel® GMA HD – Mobile Mode
VRAM with NVIDIA Optimus™ Technology
- Windows 8 64 bit
- 20/20 internet connection


Please help me with:

Quality Balance:
Max Bitrate(kb/s):
Buffer Size(kbit):
Resolution Dowscale:

Anything else that should help. Thanks in advance! I would like to stream on 1080p/720p but don't wanna ppl to get freezes.


New Member
First thing you have to check is to play the game, and then click on Preview Stream. On the bottom you can at least check the preliminary FPS to see how it will do. Start with streaming in 720p first.
Try these settings and see how well it do (Based on 0.473B Build11) :

Encoding: Use CBR, Max Bitrate/Buffer: 2000 kb/s
Video: Custom: 1280x720, Resolution Downscale: None, FPS: 30 or 60
Advanced: Use Multithreaded Otimzations, Process Priority Class Above Normal, x264 CPU Preset: veryfast

If all of these are going smoothly, but the quality isn't as good you can then do more optimzation:
720p, 60fps, change CPU Preset to faster
Setting CPU Preset slower means more processing power it will take to make pixelation less.

Got a stream/video to show us?

Do Baby steps!


New Member
What is the upload you set it to? If it is too high, their internet speed might not be enough. The stream looks great!


New Member
The quality is great. No lag on my end at least.
CHeck out and goto Broadcast Setting and choose the best low latency server.

I'm not sure about the speed of your viewers, but the best way is to ask and see how fast is their internet. Setting too high causes freezing on their end. Best streamers often lower their quality so everyone can actually enjoy their stream at a slightly lower quality. When and if you get partnered, you can always set to a higher quality since there will be an option to downgrade quality for viewers.


Town drunk
Hi, can you please post a log file? Would like to check all your settings plus some other stuff that pops up in logs.