Question / Help Help with Stream Chugging in OBS


New Member
Hello everyone. I am new to OBS and streaming in general and I've been having problems while streaming. I have a great computer and great internet as well but I can't seem to find a set of stable settings that doesn't make my stream be extremely choppy. I'm not sure where to even start so I figured I'd ask here. For the record I'm streaming fast paced FPS games (Mainly Call of Duty 4, Black Ops 2, and CS:GO)

My Specs
i7 3770k (Overclocked to 4.6ghz watercooled)
16gb Ram
2 GTX 670s (Overclocked to infinity and beyond lol) in SLI

I have verizon Fios.

Speedtest shows 100mpbs down, 70mpbs up

On Encoding I have CBR turned off
Quality balance at 6
Max Bitrate at 3500

Base resolution 1080p
Resolution Downscale 720p
Filter Bilinear
FPS: 30
Aero Disabled

Advanced: Use Multithreaded Enabled
Process Priority Normal

X264 Preset is fast
Use CFR is checked.

Everything else is stock.

When I stream it looks like this (Example is CoD4 using Game Capture, top right corner is my itunes using window capture)

Any help would be appreciated
My game runs fine. Lower a few settings slightly to keep CoD4 at 250FPS cause I'm so used to playing it that way, same with Blops 2 running at 125. I can keep them stable as if I'm not streaming. But my stream just chugs along. Someone please help?


Forum Admin
SLI and game capture don't mix too well (SLI in general is quite problematic), try disabling it. Also if you post a log file it could help.


New Member
If you wouldn't mind, how exactly do I post a log file? I'm sorry if this is in a FAQ somewhere I didn't see it.


Try it with the default profile, veryfast. Fast actually is quite a lot slower. ;) My point is this -- Let's first see if we can't get that stream of yours running smoothly at somewhat default settings first, before trying to make it look even better.

Secondly, run a SmarTest at -- be sure to pick a server near you (and do the same in OBS, obviously). To get a more realistic estimate of your streaming capability.

Last, but certainly not least -- if you're streaming FPS games, Quality 5 really won't do it. I would simply suggest going with CBR instead. For an FPS you need a higher quality (7+) for it to look as best it can. However, higher quality settings do put an additional strain on your performance as well as on your bandwidth (although the latter to a lesser extent). It may also lead to a more spikey stream, further harming the viewing experience. Hence, CBR. Go with CBR 2750 for the time being (and the aforementioned veryfast) and see if the quality improves.


New Member
I originally had it set to veryfast, I changed it because I have a bit of headroom with processor power due to the fact that none of the games I tend to stream are very CPU intensive in anyway. I saw a slight bit of improvement when I did this. I'll reset everything to a somewhat default setting though.

I ran a test. I got around 25-30mbps each time I ran the test. So I'd average it around there.

I'll redo everything and do some test streams later on tonight and see what I get. I know this might not be the right place to ask, but does anyone know how to set up twitch to record your streams so you guys can get a better picture of what I'm trying to show you? I can't seem to find it?


vkw619 said:
how to set up twitch to record your streams
By default it already keeps past broadcasts. You can find them in Dashboard -> Recorded. Be mindful though that unless you purposely highlight one they will be purged automatically, after a certain amount of time.


Community Helper
Kharay said:
Be mindful though that unless you purposely highlight one they will be purged automatically, after a certain amount of time.
I believe the time limit is 48 hours, after which, if the recording isn't saved or highlighted, it will be removed. You can highlight the parts you want to save, or go into the whole broadcast recording and click the Gear and say "Save Forever".

Twitch used to email you when one of your recording was about to be deleted and they shut that's too bad, that was helpful for me.


New Member


New Member
I don't mean to bump but I ran some tests with the suggested settings and they seem to run slightly better but I am still getting this chugging lag like I posted earlier. If someone can see something wrong in my log to explain this I'd love to know.


Post a new log, of a session using these updated settings but still with this chugging you mention. And also post a VOD of that.