Question / Help Help with Astro Mixamp and Avermedia LGP Lite


New Member
Hey everyone,
so i need help. I have my ps4 outputting sound through the optical cable to my Astro mixamp tr. I hear, and people can hear me no problem. I have my hdmi going through a splitter and then one output goes to the tv and one goes to the hdmi in of my avermedia LGP lite.
OBS picks up everything perfectly. Image is there, my blue snowball works for stream chat and my webcam works. All fine there.

Problem is that OBS will not pick up any audio from the ps4 so no game sound or chat sound. I basically have a silent stream except for when i talk.
The Astro mixamp tr is set to ps4 (red ring on the power button) and i have a regular 3.5 mm cable going from the stream port of the mixamp to the analog audio in of the avermedia lgp lite. I even opened up the capture card software and selected the analog port as the audio in.

OBS keeps showing the capture card with no audio coming in.

IF i put the mixamp in computer mode then OBS picks up the sound but my voice has an echo and everyone in my party chat can hear me.

Before i had the Astro mixamp i would just have the audio come out via HDMI directly to the LGP lite, from there have an HDMI go to the TV and then use headphones connected to the TV and speak in the ps4 chat with a regular usb microphone connected to the ps4. OBS picked up all the sounds from the capture card and i had no issues

Any suggestions?