Help!!! while running OBS, there is noise on all sounds regardless of input and output.


New Member
I am having a sudden problem with OBS.

Only when OBS is running, there is a mumbling noise on all input and output sounds.
We have tried everything we could think of to fix the problem in the following environment, and we think it is probably an OBS problem.
Does anyone have any other suggestions or know of anything else that can be done about this?
Also, if it is an OBS problem, is there anything we can do about it?

Input route
Mic: AT2020 -> Audio Interface: MOTUM2 -> Virtual Mixer: VBMatrix
→DAW: StudioONE -> OBS
Apart from the above, I use ElgatoWaveLink to import browser, game sounds, and Discord sounds.

The output is MOTUM2 only.

Currently, the following measures have been taken
Disconnect DAW, etc. and use only M2 as input.
→The result is the same. Is it not because of M2 or other software?

Delete all OBS input/output sources.
→The result is the same, no problem with external connections such as capboards, etc.?

Reinstall OBS
→The result is the same, and I'm at a loss.

Using other capture software
→I can hear the sound without any problem, so I assume it is a problem with OBS.


Active Member
Are you using Studio One Pro? if not, then there is no direct S1 output option (listen bus) to Windows Audio, right?
So you need to have something else to route audio from S1 to OBS Studio

Don't ignore the pinned post in this forum about posting OBS Studio log when having an issue (asking for help). link in my sig

Have you disabled, within OBS Studio, Global Desktop Audio? and/or removed all other Audio Sources from your scenes?