Question / Help Help!! Video comes out choppy but my fps ingame in around 60.


New Member
In-game my fps is around 60-40 but when i record it comes out very choppy/laggy all i want to use obs for is record and show some friends some crazy things i find.

14:16:12.347: CPU Name: AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
14:16:12.348: CPU Speed: 3500MHz
14:16:12.348: Physical Cores: 3, Logical Cores: 6
14:16:12.348: Physical Memory: 2047MB Total, 2047MB Free (NOTE: 2 or 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)
14:16:12.348: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 10586 (revision: 0)
14:16:12.348: Running as administrator: true
14:16:12.348: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
14:16:12.363: OBS 0.15.4 (windows)
14:16:12.363: ---------------------------------
14:16:12.396: ---------------------------------
14:16:12.396: audio settings reset:
14:16:12.396: samples per sec: 44100
14:16:12.396: speakers: 2
14:16:12.403: ---------------------------------
14:16:12.403: Initializing D3D11..
14:16:12.403: Available Video Adapters:
14:16:12.405: Adapter 1: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
14:16:12.405: Dedicated VRAM: 2128183296
14:16:12.405: Shared VRAM: 2166718464
14:16:12.405: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
14:16:12.495: Loading up D3D11 on adapter AMD Radeon R7 200 Series (0)
14:16:12.526: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
14:16:13.368: ---------------------------------
14:16:13.368: video settings reset:
14:16:13.368: base resolution: 1920x1080
14:16:13.368: output resolution: 1280x720
14:16:13.368: fps: 30/1
14:16:13.368: format: NV12
14:16:13.369: ---------------------------------
14:16:14.010: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
14:16:14.106: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
14:16:14.159: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
14:16:14.169: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
14:16:14.177: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
14:16:14.322: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI.dll', error: 126
14:16:16.004: [rtmp-services plugin] Successfully updated file 'services.json' (version 33)
14:16:16.010: [rtmp-services plugin] Successfully updated package (version 33)
14:16:22.009: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
14:16:23.077: No blackmagic support
14:16:23.162: ---------------------------------
14:16:23.162: Loaded Modules:
14:16:23.162: win-wasapi.dll
14:16:23.162: win-mf.dll
14:16:23.162: win-dshow.dll
14:16:23.162: win-decklink.dll
14:16:23.162: win-capture.dll
14:16:23.162: vlc-video.dll
14:16:23.162: text-freetype2.dll
14:16:23.162: rtmp-services.dll
14:16:23.162: obs-x264.dll
14:16:23.162: obs-transitions.dll
14:16:23.162: obs-qsv11.dll
14:16:23.162: obs-outputs.dll
14:16:23.163: obs-filters.dll
14:16:23.163: obs-ffmpeg.dll
14:16:23.163: obs-browser.dll
14:16:23.163: image-source.dll
14:16:23.163: coreaudio-encoder.dll
14:16:23.163: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
14:16:23.319: Service '' not found
14:16:23.321: No scene file found, creating default scene
14:16:23.321: All scene data cleared
14:16:23.321: ------------------------------------------------
14:16:23.371: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
14:16:23.408: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
14:16:23.408: Switched to scene 'Scene'
14:16:23.408: Failed to glob scene collections
14:16:23.418: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds
14:16:23.463: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
14:16:24.126: Update check: last known remote version is 0.15.4
14:16:39.115: rtmp-common.c: [initialize_output] Could not find service ''
14:16:39.116: rtmp-common.c: [initialize_output] Could not find service ''
14:16:39.147: rtmp-common.c: [initialize_output] Could not find service ''
14:17:01.367: rtmp-common.c: [initialize_output] Could not find service ''
14:19:29.371: ---------------------------------
14:19:29.371: video settings reset:
14:19:29.371: base resolution: 1920x1080
14:19:29.371: output resolution: 1280x720
14:19:29.371: fps: 30/1
14:19:29.371: format: NV12
14:19:29.387: Settings changed (general, stream 1, outputs, video, advanced)
14:19:29.387: ------------------------------------------------
14:19:38.182: Switched to Preview/Program mode
14:19:38.182: ------------------------------------------------
14:19:39.148: User switched to scene 'Scene'
14:19:39.149: Switched to regular Preview mode
14:19:39.149: ------------------------------------------------
14:21:49.133: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
14:21:49.199: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
14:21:49.204: Settings changed (stream 1, audio)
14:21:49.204: ------------------------------------------------
14:21:49.230: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' Terminated
14:21:49.337: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)' Terminated
14:24:55.423: Settings changed (outputs)
14:24:55.423: ------------------------------------------------
14:25:35.329: adding 139 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 185 milliseconds
14:25:47.967: User added source 'Overwatch' (game_capture) to scene 'Scene'
14:25:58.039: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] attempting to hook process: Overwatch.exe
14:25:58.040: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] using helper (compatibility hook)
14:25:59.011: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] Hooked to process: Overwatch.exe
14:25:59.011: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
14:25:59.133: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] Hooked DXGI
14:25:59.135: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
14:26:47.606: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] attempting to hook process: Overwatch.exe
14:26:47.641: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
14:26:51.254: ---------------------------------
14:26:51.254: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] preset: superfast
14:26:51.254: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] profile: high
14:26:51.254: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
14:26:51.254: rate_control: CBR
14:26:51.254: bitrate: 50000
14:26:51.254: buffer size: 50000
14:26:51.254: crf: 0
14:26:51.254: fps_num: 30
14:26:51.254: fps_den: 1
14:26:51.254: width: 1280
14:26:51.254: height: 720
14:26:51.254: keyint: 250
14:26:51.254: vfr: off
14:26:51.266: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
14:26:51.266: mode: AAC
14:26:51.266: bitrate: 160
14:26:51.266: sample rate: 44100
14:26:51.266: cbr: on
14:26:51.266: output buffer: 1536
14:26:51.269: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track2']: settings:
14:26:51.269: mode: AAC
14:26:51.269: bitrate: 160
14:26:51.269: sample rate: 44100
14:26:51.269: cbr: on
14:26:51.269: output buffer: 1536
14:26:51.298: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
14:26:51.298: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/wiibo/Videos/Recordings/2016-09-09 14-26-51.mp4'...
14:26:56.745: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed ----------------
14:26:57.459: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
14:28:00.043: adding 69 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 255 milliseconds
14:28:08.756: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/wiibo/Videos/Recordings/2016-09-09 14-26-51.mp4' stopped
14:28:08.756: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
14:28:08.756: Output 'adv_file_output': Total encoded frames: 2321
14:28:08.756: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 2324
14:28:08.756: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 383 (16.5%)
14:28:08.756: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
14:28:48.042: Settings changed (outputs)
14:28:48.042: ------------------------------------------------
14:28:51.100: ---------------------------------


  • 2016-09-09 14-16-09.txt
    17.1 KB · Views: 5


Active Member
14:28:08.756: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 383 (16.5%)

Don't use CBR for recording. Use CRF 15, ultrafast preset.


New Member
14:28:08.756: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 383 (16.5%)

Don't use CBR for recording. Use CRF 15, ultrafast preset.

Its still choppy is tere anything else that can help?? i found out when watching the video on WMP theres an indicator saying "Network is to busy to play file at original quality" could it have something to do with that??


New Member
Do you have a new log from the attempt with crf 15?

Settings changed (outputs)
15:32:21.133: ------------------------------------------------
15:32:31.158: ---------------------------------
15:32:31.158: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] preset: ultrafast
15:32:31.158: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] profile: high
15:32:31.158: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
15:32:31.158: rate_control: CRF
15:32:31.158: bitrate: 0
15:32:31.158: buffer size: 0
15:32:31.158: crf: 15
15:32:31.158: fps_num: 25
15:32:31.158: fps_den: 1
15:32:31.158: width: 1280
15:32:31.158: height: 720
15:32:31.158: keyint: 250
15:32:31.158: vfr: off
15:32:31.172: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
15:32:31.172: mode: AAC
15:32:31.172: bitrate: 160
15:32:31.172: sample rate: 44100
15:32:31.172: cbr: on
15:32:31.172: output buffer: 1536
15:32:31.175: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track2']: settings:
15:32:31.175: mode: AAC
15:32:31.175: bitrate: 160
15:32:31.175: sample rate: 44100
15:32:31.175: cbr: on
15:32:31.175: output buffer: 1536
15:32:31.180: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
15:32:31.180: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/wiibo/Videos/Recordings/2016-09-09 15-32-31.mp4'...
15:32:33.400: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed ----------------
15:32:34.043: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
15:33:01.411: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed ----------------
15:33:01.856: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
15:33:35.728: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/wiibo/Videos/Recordings/2016-09-09 15-32-31.mp4' stopped
15:33:35.728: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
15:33:35.728: Output 'adv_file_output': Total encoded frames: 1614
15:33:35.728: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1614
15:33:35.728: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 188 (11.6%)
15:33:35.729: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
15:34:23.292: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed ----------------
15:34:23.796: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
15:35:15.948: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed ----------------
15:35:16.805: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
15:35:36.714: ---------------------------------
15:35:36.714: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] preset: ultrafast
15:35:36.714: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] profile: high
15:35:36.714: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
15:35:36.714: rate_control: CRF
15:35:36.714: bitrate: 0
15:35:36.714: buffer size: 0
15:35:36.714: crf: 15
15:35:36.714: fps_num: 25
15:35:36.714: fps_den: 1
15:35:36.714: width: 1280
15:35:36.714: height: 720
15:35:36.714: keyint: 250
15:35:36.714: vfr: off
15:35:36.729: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
15:35:36.729: mode: AAC
15:35:36.729: bitrate: 160
15:35:36.729: sample rate: 44100
15:35:36.729: cbr: on
15:35:36.729: output buffer: 1536
15:35:36.733: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track2']: settings:
15:35:36.733: mode: AAC
15:35:36.733: bitrate: 160
15:35:36.733: sample rate: 44100
15:35:36.733: cbr: on
15:35:36.733: output buffer: 1536
15:35:36.738: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
15:35:36.738: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/wiibo/Videos/Recordings/2016-09-09 15-35-36.mp4'...
15:35:40.954: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed ----------------
15:35:41.392: [game-capture: 'Overwatch'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
15:37:08.840: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/wiibo/Videos/Recordings/2016-09-09 15-35-36.mp4' stopped
15:37:08.840: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
15:37:08.840: Output 'adv_file_output': Total encoded frames: 2302
15:37:08.840: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 2303
15:37:08.840: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 74 (3.2%)


Active Member
15:37:08.840: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 74 (3.2%)

You're still overloading your system.