Question / Help Help: studio Yamaha ur12 not working


New Member
Okay so I’ve been working on this for a Few days. It seems that I’ve gotten OBS 25+ to work and then the driver that works on FL studio is the Yamaha ur12 asio but it does not move the music through the audio mixer on OBS studio. no matter what source input I use.

I’ve even used a github option to use the asio driver and it still doesn’t register the sound.

The drivers that don’t cause latency are the
yamaha steinberg usb Asio
Asio4all v2

Neither actually register sound in obs.
What do I do?


1. Uninstall all sound card drivers including all asio drivers
2. Open Device manager and select show hidden devices, clear out hardware under "sound, video and game controllers"
- this should also delete devices from "Audio inputs and outputs", but make sure they're gone.
-dont reboot.
3. Install 2.03 Steinberg driver
4. Refresh devices/reboot.
5. Make sure your unit is listed as the #1, as in the only steinberg unit detected using device manager.
- If its listed as #2 uninstall device/s from "sound, video and game controllers" again, and any other, and then rightclick refresh while in device manager window.

Right about here you should be good. If you now start the Yamaha Steinberg control panel (which on windows in 2.03 driver doesnt install itself to control panel automatically like before (which can also be fixed)), if you do changes from there it will rewrite device under "audio inputs and outputs" but it should keep the device listed as the #1 or as the only unit.

I've had to change the procedure on how to manage this quite a few times over the last drivers, but 2.03 driver is really good, especially with the new "low latency" mode, which adds a lot of value to the unit for free.
If none of this works you may be held back by operating system updates and or settings. On windows Audio kernel has and is being rewritten incrementally so ymmv here. If your on mac the same routine will apply but under other names, obviously.

Best of luck.


New Member
Great thanks that works with the addition of enabling the loop back function and selecting the driver as the audio input.

One more issue. Now, if the mic is plugged in obs reads the mic as the only sound input (with or without loop back function). is there any way to fix that in the settings rather than always unplugging the mic ?