Question / Help Help streaming Mulitple POVs (streams)


New Member
So the only thing I miss from Xsplit that I can't seem to work out in OBS is importing another stream into my stream. Me and my friend used to do a stream that had both of our POV's on the same streaming using "Add live stream" in xsplit. I can't seem to find a way to do this. I also searched for plugins to do this. Does anyone know of a way that I could get two POV's on stream? I also want to mention I don't want to do it with one of the websites that places two streams side by side, my goal is to get them on the same stream.


Read this thread. Some one asked the basically same thing last week. There is already listed 3 ways to do it and their pros and cons. Hope this helps you some way :)
(And the local server mentioned there can be set up to allow connection from outside of the local network so your friend can stream into it easily.)