Question / Help Help please - RTMP streams to SWF


New Member
Ok first not sure where to post this but, thought here would be a good start.

I am using OBS to capture my desktop and stream it to a video server at listen2myradio
I end up with an rtmp which is what I put in OBS and connect with..

all works well - i end up with a page I can access from listen2myradio that shows my stream.

I am wanting to put the stream on my own website as an .swf

If I inspect the listen2myradio stream page area - I find in media the .swf link but, simply copy and paste this to another browser page does not work.. its like it only work in that one page and is not good to me like that.

I need to end up with a way to have the direct url to the swf which will show my rtmp stream

what am I missing or not doing - Im NOOB to this so please be gentle...

I have some links to some similar .swf stream that works and I have a flash decompiler that I used to try and look at how they are set up to work - but, over my heard to be honest and the stuff I searched for in the code was either wrong place or simply didnt exist which confused me even more as could not find anything to do with .swf or rtmp etc. so I have no idea how these .swf streams work or how they link to a stream.

I will include what I have got so far and what I am trying to achieve similar..

this is what I get from listen2myradio
FMS Url:rtmp://

It then shows me tv chanel links and all end up on same page - here.
this works and shows fine when OBS and Listen2myradio are switched on of course.
However I am wanting to get the .SWF from this page so I can view directly on own an see stream.

I am able to inspect and get the following...

but simply pasting this into a browser shows nothing - stream never appears there - even when showing on the previous page of

This is where I get lost - I dont udnerstand how it can be listed as this and work but, taing it out to directly view results in nothing...

I have a stream that does work and have tried to decompile to work out but, as stated find nothing that makes sense to me - over head here.
this works when the person is streaming of course

How can I achieve this - is there something Im mising with my set up or something in that .swf code I can edit to put my own stream in instead an get to work?

I use OBS and listen2myradio as both free and am trying to do this free without paying for services.
I feel close but, missing final step it seems...

please help :) Thanks


Active Member
This is really something you should ask the JW Player people I think. Beyond the scope of OBS, although its possible someone here knows the answer. Everyone at whatever support forum JW Player might have would have gone through this.