Question / Help Help needed to authenticate URL

Carter Richards

New Member
Hello Guys,

I'm having great problems using the original version of OBS and I'm in need of advice.

I'm using a new web server but while trying to use the normal version of OBS I need to authenticate my URL and stream key
with a user name and password.

I've read the help section and it clearly explains where to type in 2 new lines with the username and password for the Server Authentication but every time I do it still won't connect to the server.

I'm resorted to using OBS studio which don't get me wrong I love but I would still like to resolve this issue which will let me continue using the normal version of OBS

Here's the instructions giving in the help section

These servers often need you to authenticate yourself with your username and password instead of a stream key
If you are not using a special profile, just use the untitled.ini, search for the section [Publish] and add the following two lines: Some online services tend to use rtmp Servers like Wowza and similar

To enter a Username and Password you just have to add them to your "profile name.ini" which is located in the %appdata%\OBS\profiles folder

Password=[type password] UserName=[type username]
Then setup your server address in the Broadcast settings as usual and start streaming

To this section. Of course without the [ ] brackets. Make sure OBS is closed while you change your profile.ini, or restart OBS afterwards.

I have tried exactly what the instructions state but to no avail. Can anybody please shed some light on the subject please.

Many thanks