Question / Help Help? mp4 Troubles


New Member
Recently when I re downloaded OBS I try to record a video. Two things. One Horrible quality, and two being the biggest problem. I cannot hear my videos in a mp4 file! I am extremely frustrated about the situation? Any help xD..


Active Member
For quality:

For audio:
Download VLC and play back in that. 99.9% of the time, all 'no audio' problems are because someone is trying to play back in Windows Media Player, which has terrible codec support and is just bad all around.

Also, DON'T record to MP4. Record to FLV and remux them over. It's fast, and you won't be left with a non-fixable pile of digital garbage if the recording crashes or stalls out, or otherwise doesn't finalize correctly, as happens with MP4. With FLV you'll just be missing the last few seconds at most. Corrupted MP4 recordings CANNOT be recovered.