Question / Help Help me!!


New Member
Hello everyone, sometimes im streaming and before obs. i used xsplit. (Dont use xsplit) when i was streaming and told my friends so watch it they Would watch on Their phone with The twitch app and they could not see my stream :-( it gave Them blackscreen :-( but then i was watching "bacon_donut" on my phone and saw in The chat he was using obs and then i thinked WOW im Gonna get obs and then i Can stream and my friends Can watch it on Their phones but then i tried to do it and they could still not see my stream it still gave Them blackscreen. Can anyone help me to fix this ?? Please.
Sry for my bad english


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Forum Moderator
Would have to see a log file to see their settings and computer info and such


New Member
The problem you have is probably not related to OBS. Twich is currently only serving the top 300 viewed streams to the app. If your stream doesn't match this criteria it will result in a black screen for the app user.


Community Helper
I don't think that is the problem. Twitch will serve you any stream if you can actually get to it. They only show you the top 300, but they also show you the streams you are following. If someone you're following goes live, then it should show up there even if it's not in the top 300.

However, I do think that the problem lies in the Twitch app and not with OBS. I'm not sure what, though.