Question / Help Help!! I Get Encoder Overload No Matter What I Do!


New Member
Hello All!

I'm very new to all of this, but after days of trying everything I can think of and tearing my hair out, I thought that I might turn to you for help. I'm attempting to stream 1080p to youtube (Canon EOS R and Lumix G7 - Blackmagic ATEM Mini - 2018 Macbook Pro - over an Ethernet cable to a modem with 30-40 upload speed), and no matter what I tweak, I get an encoder overload message. The only conditions under which the stream is not loosing frames, out of audio sync, and generally looking terrible is streaming at 480p, at which point everything works perfectly, but falls short of the cinematic glory of HD.

My last log file is here: though it represents just one snapshot of the million combinations of bitrates, frame rates, resolutions, etc that I've tried.

Do I need some sort of hardware encoder (selecting the internal macbook one didn't improve things)? A Mac Pro (which might take me a years to save for, ugh!)? Just to tweak one little setting? I am totally at a loss.

I would be incredibly grateful for any advice you might have!


Active Member
You're getting every kind of overload there is:

10:29:40.714: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 134 (2.3%)
10:29:40.714: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 531 (9.4%)
10:29:40.714: Output 'simple_stream': Reconnecting in 10 seconds..
10:29:40.714: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 205/5701 (3.6%)
10:29:40.714: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Freeing 820 remaining packets

Rendering lag is GPU overload. You have only an Intel integrated GPU in your machine, and this is severely limiting for OBS.

Encoding overload for you is CPU overload, since your machine lacks a discrete GPU that can use a hardware encoder. Change to a faster preset. Veryfast is the default, but faster presets will trade CPU load for lower quality.

Dropped frames mean your internet connection cannot sustain your selected bitrate.
