Question / Help Help config - Quad & 1Mb


New Member
Hello to everyone. I wanna say that this program is amazing but, there is always a but :D , Im still not able to run my streaming properly also without black bars.

My specs:
previous era Quad intel @4Ghz
2x HD6870 Crossfire.
Almost 1Mb UL speed.

OBS 0.461a setting:
Quality 10
bitrate and buffer both on 5/600kbps
AAC audio @ 96
1152x720@25fps / aero disabled
Flagged multithreaded opts
Flagged "Use send buffer" at max.
x264 preset: veryfast

With this program I don't have an huge fps drop, so while streaming I have like 100-150fps in benchmark mode on LoL (but i noticed that after a while they drop to 80-100 but its not a big deal yet).
As upload I get 870Kbps (I tested uploading a 12MB file) so in OBS I set 500kbps or 600 but I don't understand why OBS catch me other bandwith up to 700-800Kbps without granting better quality and instead having lag spikes. I don't understand why it takes more bandwith that I choice.

I run with a 22" 1680x1050 monitor, I eliminated black bars OBS side setting a 1152x720 res but when I go on twichtv I keep seeing right and left black bars. What am I doing wrong?

There is any chance to move the load to the hw a bit (like by setting the x264 preset to "faster" or something like that) and fix ping/bitrate problem?

Sorry for my english and thank you in advice. ;)


New Member
You will need to use a 16:9 ratio to eliminate the black bars. If you don't mind stretching the video to fit that, you will be golden. However, if you do not want to stretch the video, you will have to run the game in a 16:9 ratio.

Also, you have 1Mbps upload speed. You will have a hard time being able to do 720p streaming. I recommend going no higher than 480p (854x480). Your preset at Veryfast is fine.


New Member
Roger. ;)

But what you say about the bandwidth usage? Is it normal? Is it wrong?
If I set a bw cap OBS should stick with it without going 200kbps further. :?


Town drunk
That's how vbv works, though. The max you can spike to is your bitrate + your buffer size. Reduce your overall bitrate/buffer or just reduce your buffer some to reduce the amount of spiking, but that's not generally recommended as higher motion scenes will probably end up looking worse.

Alternatively, lower your Quality Balance setting to preserve bitrate for higher motion scenes.


Forum Admin
KrazyTrumpeter05 said:
The max you can spike to is your bitrate + your buffer size.

This is true only if your bitrate and buffer are the same size. Otherwise the math is really weird and complex.


New Member
R1CH said:
Crossfire or SLI is not recommended at all for streaming.

So in other words I have to disable my CF configuration?

About the bandwidth, the problem is that even if I set 500kbps+96AAC, OBS bw usage goes up to 700/800kbps causing ping problems. Of course it can't be perfect but if I put a limit it should stay around that one specially if my UL speed isn't that much. :D