This is my first post on this forum...so I hope that I didn't broke any Rule.. :D
I Want someone to help me out, please, with the recommended setting for my OBS in order to stream on TWITCH the following games: Arma 3, CS:GO, LoL, Watch_dogs, etc
Already, i make streams but I think that OBS take too much resources because i got FPS drops in games and on stream too.
I have the following PC configuration:
Processor : i5 Skylake 6th gen i5-6402P 2.8 GHZ
Memory: HyperX Fury Black DDR4 8GB @ 2133 Mhz
GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960OC 2X WindForce
Internet connection : 1Gb/s .. about 120 MB/S when I download from the torrents
When I play Arma 3 Without OBS started, I got 60+ FPS... When I start streaming...i got framed like hell and got about 10-20 FPS.
I want to mention that I got the last drivers installed ..
SO , please tell me some OBS settings in order to play maybe high end games with the streaming on without framming !!!
Thanks in advance!
P.S: It will help me like A LOT if you guide me with instructions step by step
setEmotion2 @ twitch
This is my first post on this forum...so I hope that I didn't broke any Rule.. :D
I Want someone to help me out, please, with the recommended setting for my OBS in order to stream on TWITCH the following games: Arma 3, CS:GO, LoL, Watch_dogs, etc
Already, i make streams but I think that OBS take too much resources because i got FPS drops in games and on stream too.
I have the following PC configuration:
Processor : i5 Skylake 6th gen i5-6402P 2.8 GHZ
Memory: HyperX Fury Black DDR4 8GB @ 2133 Mhz
GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960OC 2X WindForce
Internet connection : 1Gb/s .. about 120 MB/S when I download from the torrents
When I play Arma 3 Without OBS started, I got 60+ FPS... When I start streaming...i got framed like hell and got about 10-20 FPS.
I want to mention that I got the last drivers installed ..
SO , please tell me some OBS settings in order to play maybe high end games with the streaming on without framming !!!
Thanks in advance!
P.S: It will help me like A LOT if you guide me with instructions step by step
setEmotion2 @ twitch