Question / Help [HELP] Best settings for OBS ?!?!?!

Andrei D

New Member

This is my first post on this I hope that I didn't broke any Rule.. :D

I Want someone to help me out, please, with the recommended setting for my OBS in order to stream on TWITCH the following games: Arma 3, CS:GO, LoL, Watch_dogs, etc

Already, i make streams but I think that OBS take too much resources because i got FPS drops in games and on stream too.

I have the following PC configuration:

Processor : i5 Skylake 6th gen i5-6402P 2.8 GHZ

Memory: HyperX Fury Black DDR4 8GB @ 2133 Mhz

GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960OC 2X WindForce

Internet connection : 1Gb/s .. about 120 MB/S when I download from the torrents

When I play Arma 3 Without OBS started, I got 60+ FPS... When I start streaming...i got framed like hell and got about 10-20 FPS.

I want to mention that I got the last drivers installed ..

SO , please tell me some OBS settings in order to play maybe high end games with the streaming on without framming !!!

Thanks in advance!

P.S: It will help me like A LOT if you guide me with instructions step by step

setEmotion2 @ twitch


Active Member
There's guides on the web page that tell you how to set up for streaming. Once you've set it up as well as you've been able to figure out on your own, stream your game for at least five minutes of high-action gameplay, then post an OBS log file from that stream.