Question / Help Hello, I'm having trouble with stuttering/lag using OBS


New Member
Hello there,

I started using OBS to stream StarCraft 2 and CSGO. When I stream StarCraft 2, I seem to lag a bit in game and I have tried out different settings and I can't really figure out what's going on.

Here's my computer info ... peId=12454

I have changed my PSU to a 550w and GPU to ATI Radeon 4850 512mb

My Internet download speed is 8mb, and my upload speed is .7mb

If anyone could help me out with settings, etc. I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

EDIT: I would also like to add that my location is in Australia. Whenever I choose "Asia: Singapore" as server option, I always get disconnected and reconnected. So, I've been trying to connect to Los Angeles and San Francisco and OBS has not disconnected once.

EDIT 2: Here's a screenshot of my setting. Keep in mind my upload speed is only .7mb and download speed is 8mb.








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Forum Moderator
did you mean multiplayer lag? for example, does it only happen when streaming, not previewing? if so, turn down the "send buffer size" in advanced to 8196 or 4096 and see if that doesn't help.


New Member
Jim said:
did you mean multiplayer lag? for example, does it only happen when streaming, not previewing? if so, turn down the "send buffer size" in advanced to 8196 or 4096 and see if that doesn't help.

Yes multiplayer lag. Happens only when streaming. Previewing seems fine.

I have the most lag playing CSGO. I tried to monitor capture CSGO (steam game), and when I stream it's only blank. I tried Window Capture and it doesn't work unless I choose "Fullscreen windowed" only option in CSGO.

Also, I've been messing around with x264 CPU preset. Currently it's set on "slow" since I have a quad core. Is that a good idea?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Do not mess with the CPU preset if you're using a single computer for streaming and gaming, even if you have a really good PC -- I would highly recommend leaving it set to veryfast. I actually put it in the advanced section because people were messing with it for all the wrong reasons unfortunately.

The app currently cannot capture fullscreen games, you have to set it to fullscreen windowed or windowed. Anyway, the "send buffer size" in advanced settings should fix your issue


New Member
Jim said:
Do not mess with the CPU preset if you're using a single computer for streaming and gaming, even if you have a really good PC -- I would highly recommend leaving it set to veryfast. I actually put it in the advanced section because people were messing with it for all the wrong reasons unfortunately.

The app currently cannot capture fullscreen games, you have to set it to fullscreen windowed or windowed. Anyway, the "send buffer size" in advanced settings should fix your issue

I have tried what you told me and I PM'd you my stream link that I recorded.

Also I edited the thread to add screenshots of my settings. Quality of my stream is bad and stream is skipping/lagging. But I don't lag much in-game anymore.


Forum Admin
I really don't think 700kbps is capable of doing a usable 60 FPS stream. If your upload is only .7mbps then your bitrate needs to be even lower than 700kbps to account for overhead from other things such as the game or the burstiness of the stream. Try using 30 fps at 600kbps, but don't expect miracles.


Forum Moderator
I have .7mbps upload currently, and the best I can stream at with OBS is 640x400 (I have a 16:10 monitor) 30fps at 384kbps + 96kbps audio. With overhead, game traffic, the moon phase and other unpredictable factors, I can't reliably go any higher. I suggest you try 640x512 30fps at 400kbps ish video bitrate, and if that works smoothly you can try increasing the bitrate in small increments. You can definitely forget about any form of HD, it will look terrible.


Forum Admin
Also, the reason for your blank screen In CS:GO was because you were playing fullscreen, which can't be captured with window or monitor capture. OBS will be updated with a feature for fullscreen capture in the future.

Jim's actually got it working right now and is just working out the kinks before releasing it I believe


New Member
R1CH said:
I really don't think 700kbps is capable of doing a usable 60 FPS stream. If your upload is only .7mbps then your bitrate needs to be even lower than 700kbps to account for overhead from other things such as the game or the burstiness of the stream. Try using 30 fps at 600kbps, but don't expect miracles.

thank you, i will try that. how about the rest of my settings, specifically "Server" part, does choosing global matter since whenever I connect to Asia: Singapore, OBS always disconnect and re-connecting

Muf said:
I have .7mbps upload currently, and the best I can stream at with OBS is 640x400 (I have a 16:10 monitor) 30fps at 384kbps + 96kbps audio. With overhead, game traffic, the moon phase and other unpredictable factors, I can't reliably go any higher. I suggest you try 640x512 30fps at 400kbps ish video bitrate, and if that works smoothly you can try increasing the bitrate in small increments. You can definitely forget about any form of HD, it will look terrible.

thanks for the info. i will try that.