Bug Report Heavy Audio Desync on Ubuntu 14.04 Osu!


New Member
So when i livestream or record locally i get this wierd audio desync from Osu! when i rewatch my recording or if someone watches the livestream.

Local recording example: http://www.fileoven.com/f/Ba05pXIv70eNbSDCe8UTKg

Twitch Example (note it may not last a long time): http://www.twitch.tv/maltahlgaming/b/573508595

OBS Logs for both recording and livestream: https://gist.github.com/a84bbdfe603053c33f92

i have seen you could use some audio sync from source and i will try that out and post an update pretty soon.

same results with manually adding pulseaudio to sources: http://www.fileoven.com/f/R2xdCPIJkkSih9yPDtTfXQ

Thanks for the help in advance!
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