Having three (or more) Push to Talk keybinds?


New Member
Hey there,

A while ago I bookmarked a thread here that was something that would eventually be useful to me. Well, now that time has come but the thread is over a year old with no resolution.

The thread in question is: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/help-with-push-to-talk-function.12356/

As it stands now, I currently have 2 push to talk binds set through OBS. Those binds are Caps Lock (to chat ingame which allows my viewers to hear what I am saying) and Numpad10 (for just my viewers to hear me.)

I stream H1Z1 and they recently introduced an ingame CB "radio" that's push to talk keybind is set to Numpad7. Unfortunately, when I use Numpad 7, viewers can't hear me. This is because of the current 2 key push to talk limit.

In the thread I linked above, a developer made note that future versions of OBS will include unlimited (well, he has however many?) keybind settings for push to talk.

Has there been any headway in this? I know it's not as simple as adding PushToTalkHotkey3= in the settings .ini file.

If there is nothing to change OBS, are there any plugins that will allow multiple/unlimited Push To Talk keybinds?

Well, something other than OBS Multiplatform as it's still in early stages of development?

Any help would be appreciated as leaving my viewers out in the cold without knowing what is going on ingame is getting to be problematic.

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Community Helper
You can add an arbitrary number of push-to-talk keys in OBS Multiplatform. And it's coming along pretty well, to the point of being fairly mature, just missing a few features here and there, and adding a ton more.

OBS1 development has pretty much stopped at this point.


New Member
Does OBS Multiplatform have the capability of running plugins for OBS1? If so, I'll have to start using OBS Multiplatform ASAP.

Also, will my settings/saves carry over from OBS1 to Multiplatform?



Community Helper
It cannot run OBS1 plugins, but it does already have a browser plugin, if that's all you need. Settings do not carry over, so you can keep them separate if you want.