x16 3.0All caused by your video card.
What pci-e mode is it running in? (use GPU-Z to check)
This is more than a little bad.06:47:40: | GPU download and conversion - [89.1%] [avg time: 13.465 ms] [children: 1.58%] [unaccounted: 87.5%]
what can i do to resolve it (i have the latest nvidia driver)Then it's probably a driver issue. If you notice in the log:
This is more than a little bad.
Ideally, this should be (and with my GTX 970 I do get) under 1ms.
this has been an ongoing problem i dont think the driver made a differenceMaybe go back to an earlier driver or use a driver cleaner. If you're running anything other than Overwatch and OBS, get rid of it.