Question / Help Hardware Encoder


New Member
I bought the LGHD before fully researching issues. I read a bunch of reviews but didn't see any problems. So i am thinking about returning it. I also have to purchase a new monitor to use it as my current one is 1920x1200. I knew that going in though. Here are my options.
1. return the LGHD and purchase a hardware h.264 encoder that obs supports (if it exists).
2. i am in the process of upgrading my machine the reason i purchased the LGHD was so i could stream with 0 impact on my system. Take existing system and use it as a streaming rig. But from what i understand the capture quality of the LGHD is mediocre at best.
3. Return card and hope for some nvidia hardware encoding add on later while using new system like old system.

old i7 940 msi eclipse 12gb 480gtx lightning
new i7 4770k asus max vi formula 32gb 780gtx directCU oc


Community Helper
The only hardware encoder that OBS currently supports is QuickSync, which your 4770k should have (assuming your motherboard supports Quicksync, which I assume it does).

The capture quality of the LGHD is just fine, but its hardware encoder isn't that great. If you're using a separate machine to do the encoding with OBS, then you should be fine since you won't be using the hardware encoder.