Hello i need help configuring a good looking stream for CSGO
Intel i5 2500k
Asus Geforce GTX570
8Gb G.Skillz Ram
20mb Down
2mb Up
Im in Quebec Canada, i ping best at Virginia twitch server 30ms
we are 2 playing at the same time
1 is streaming and playing the other one is only playing.
Playing in 1080p i always have around 200-350 fps in CSGO and 30-40 ms in any east server.
The best i had so far is by using these settings but it doesnt look good
Quality Balance 0
Max Bitrate 1000
Buffer size 1000
Audio AAC 96bit
Base res : 1080p
Downscale to 720p
24 fps
+Multithreaded on high priority
x264 to Veryfast
Other checkboxes are unchecked
anything over 1200 bitrate will get me some ping fructuation.
Intel i5 2500k
Asus Geforce GTX570
8Gb G.Skillz Ram
20mb Down
2mb Up
Im in Quebec Canada, i ping best at Virginia twitch server 30ms
we are 2 playing at the same time
1 is streaming and playing the other one is only playing.
Playing in 1080p i always have around 200-350 fps in CSGO and 30-40 ms in any east server.
The best i had so far is by using these settings but it doesnt look good
Quality Balance 0
Max Bitrate 1000
Buffer size 1000
Audio AAC 96bit
Base res : 1080p
Downscale to 720p
24 fps
+Multithreaded on high priority
x264 to Veryfast
Other checkboxes are unchecked
anything over 1200 bitrate will get me some ping fructuation.