Guildstream website conection

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New Member
We was asking if we can offer a connection to and have it as one of the options as a connection point in the list of streaming websites.

New Member
We don't need the RTMP We would just like to be offered as a selection. We are going to be the first website that has PTP connection. We just wanted to offer the members 2 ways to stream there game content to There will be a member GS Number for each member, this will link each member to there accounts.

New Member
We are going to be offering the streaming through web.rtc so all we asking for you guys to do was add us to your streaming selection as a no soft ware needed option and in return we will put your logo on our website.

New Member
if you dont believe me come to and make an account and use chrome on your dashboard. The video stream you see there does not rec a download. Google and fire fox now has streaming built right in the browsers. We are offing you the option to connect your members with OBS through a API to
Here is another clue TWITCH the biggest streaming option you have is about to drop all these connections. They are going to the same way i am offering you but you can be ahead of the game with the API connection to us. we are about to launch in 2 months. don't you think you need to do something. P2P is here.
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