Group sources


New Member
It would be great is we could group sources.

Meaning, that if i have a cam, cam overlay, and some youtube links around the cam etc etc. so i have 3 sources just for the cam area, i then need to select all 3 sources and move them around, and it not always i manage to get it done great, so sometimes i only move the cam, cause its selecting it when i click to move. I then need to sit and watch px-by-px to set it up looking good again.

If we could somehow group them, so i just select the group, and move that, everything in the group moves along.

Hope you understand what i mean, and it might just be me who would think this is a good idea, but hopefully not :)

Thanks :)


New Member
I was about to make a post about this. Went to search because I had a feeling there were at least a couple more users with this same suggestion.

I would love to see grouping in sources and also to be able to copy/paste the groups/folders/link from one scene to the next.