Question / Help Green/Yellow square in the bottom right


New Member

I am setting up my stream and during tests I noticed that in the bottom right hand corner of OBS the square is usually green but sometimes flashes to yellow. The KB's next to it is generally between 1300-1700. I'm a little confused as to why it turns yellow because when sometimes the kb/s is at 1200 it goes yellow for a second, and other times it goes yellow at 1600 kb/s

edit: After looking around, it seems that the kbs is referring to the stream connection to When it hits yellow I think it skips a frame after watching the recorded version but when I stream, it always shows that it has no skipped frames (0%). Can anyone confirm this or am I wrong?

Any reply is appreciated.


heros in an halfshel
It is indicating network congestion, either due to your upload in general being saturated or because your connection to the Twitch ingest server you are streaming to is unable to handle the data throughput at the bit rate you have specified. However, as long as you're not dropping any frames, this just indicates temporary network congestion.